Lesson Plan

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Thursday 5 March 2015



Lesson 5

Sparts of speach

go to the link parts of speach


Lesson 4
The use of  "Not only...............................but also"

We can combaine two sentence using " not only...but also"

Ramu learns Hindi.  His brother also learns Hindi.  In these two sentence "learns Hindi" is the same action and Ramu and his brother are different.So we can add these two sentence as fallows
Not only Ramu but also his brother learns Hindi

another example
Tagore was a great poet.  He was also a great novelist and eassayist.  Here Tagore same .  Poet , novelist and essayist are different.
so the combaine sentence is
Tagore was not ony a poet but also a great novelist and essayist.

common laws
Add not only....but also in between the different action or person of a sentence.